Contact Chain of Command
In any organization there are always issues and problems that arise. The best way to resolve those issues is to start at the level that created the issue. We ask that if you have an issue or problem, that you follow the chain of command and try to get things resolved at the lowest or earliest level possible. For example, if the problem is with a teacher, your first contact should be with that teacher. Most times that will resolve things. If you are not satisfied at that level, then move up the chain to the assistant principal or principal, then the superintendent and only then should you contact a board member. Each level will ask if you've contacted the lower level, and if not will send you back to that level. Your cooperation in following this chain of command is greatly appreciated, and will make the district operate more effectively and efficiently. Thank you.
See chart below.
Crisis Plan
USD #341 has a current Crisis Plan, reviewed by committee in 2009-10, and on file in the District Office. With permission from the Superintendent, it is available for the public to view.
Employment Information - Classified
Our school district is always looking for persons interested in part-time or full-time employment. We often have job openings in the areas of food service, transportation, clerical work and instructional support. If you think you might be interested in future openings or even occasional work as a substitute, please fill out the application below.
The USD #341 enrollment package can be obtained at the Junior/Senior High school office or the Elementary school office.
Questions: Contact Registrar, Cindy Glenn at 785-863-2539, ext 116.
NOTE: Oskaloosa Jr./Sr. High School does not offer a GED program for students or adults.
Use of School Facilities
The facilities of USD 341 are provided and maintained for the implementation and delivery of district approved curriculum and activities. The facilities are also a part of the community’s resources. Therefore, it is the intent of the Board of Education to make its facilities as accessible as possible to the patrons of this district. The Superintendent shall develop forms to implement this policy and the forms shall in essence become a part of the policy. The policy and usage forms shall be reviewed by the Board of Education. Changes in the facilities use policy and/or usage form may be made at any time by the board. A copy of this policy and usage form shall be provided to each individual requesting to reserve the district facilities.
First priority: District program requirements will always have the highest priority in assigning event utilization.
Second priority: Booster Club, Jefferson County Basketball, Oskaloosa Ball Assoc., Keystone, Jefferson County EMS (Sheriff, Fire, Ambulance services), etc.
Third priority: Club sports, Rotary, scouts, church events, Humane Society, Biker’s for Babies, civic or community groups, 4-H, private individuals, etc.
A fee will be assessed for Third Priority requests only. Everyone must complete the attached form!