On November 13, 2023 Oskaloosa USD 341 Board of Education held their regular monthly meeting. The attachments for all of the mentioned items can be found at www.usd341.org and follow the Board of Education menu item.
The meeting was called to order with all members present. The BOE approved the agenda and consent agenda for the meeting. There were no members of the audience that wished to address the board during the Public Communications section.
The discussion items were as follows:
6.1 - Superintendent Dan Wessel presented information on bids for a van, bus and copier contract. He also updated the BOE on the strategic plan process and the graduation committee. The BOE scheduled a special meeting December 11 at 6 PM for a building walkthrough to aid in the discussion for the capital improvement plan.
6.2 - Jana Farmer presented information from the Keystone Special Education Board that she represents USD 341 as a member.
6.3 - Dakota Davis and Doug Bond presented information on the KASB Annual Conference that they attended November 10-12 in Wichita
6.4 - Superintendent Wessel reviewed the BOE Goal Progress.
6.5 - Superintendent Wessel informed the BOE of a staffing needs that he intends to send out to staff to discuss needed positions and materials/supplies.
The action items were as follows:
7.1 The BOE approved the facility use agreement as presented.
7.2 The BOE approved the non-resident policy as presented.
The BOE voted on and approved the following staff changes.
We would like to welcome the following to the Bear Family:
- Kristine Weinberger, Custodian (part-time)
- Shawn Brezgiel, Food Service (part-time)
- Danny Pina, Food Service
- Shiloh Thacher, HS Assistant Cheerleading Coach
We would like to thank the following for their time served in USD 341 and wish them luck on their future endeavors outside of the district.
- Bonnie Butner, Food Service Position Only (part-time)
- Eddie Minor, OJSHS Physical Education Teacher and HS Football Coach (Dec 2023)
- Lou Shaver, Food Service
- Bethany Claassen, Custodian (part-time)