On December 11, 2023, Oskaloosa USD 341 Board of Education held a special meeting to tour the building and its regular monthly meeting. The attachments for the mentioned items can be found at www.usd341.org and follow the Board of Education menu item.
The special meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM and the BOE toured the building to look at items on the capital outlay list for this year. Director of Facilities, Micah Stegall, led the tour.
The regular monthly meeting was called to order with 6 members and Jana Farmer absent at 7:09. The BOE approved the agenda and consent agenda. The seniors in attendance who applied to graduate early gave a quick update on their plans for next semester during the Public Communications section. The three seniors in attendance were Aiden Lockhart, Anthony Shehan, and Cooper Batemon. Best of luck to them in the future.
The discussion items were as follows:
6.1 - Superintendent Dan Wessel gave his report to the BOE. It included a congratulations to the 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball Team for their NEKL Championship. Congratulations to the Cheer Team for finishing Second at State. We are currently looking for 2 used vehicles to replace fleet vehicles. A reminder of the 5-12 Music Concert on the 18th at 7 PM. We also discussed needing to add some additional baseball uniforms this year for numbers. We are moving forward with new baseball and softball uniforms on this year's rotation. It was also mentioned about JH track warmups. We will be looking at that also for this year.
6.2 - Jana Farmer was absent so we reminded BOE members that the minutes from the Keystone BOE meeting were attached.
6.3 - Superintendent Wessel went through the KASB policy updates for a first read. We will bring them back in January for approval.
The action items were as follows:
7.1 The Bus bid was tabled with no action taken. More information was requested about dealer options on the other buses that were bid.
7.2 Copier contract was approved 6-0 for Century Business from Topeka. The contract was bid from the State Contract.
7.3 Ford Transit bid was approved 6-0 for Shawnee Mission Ford for $54,196. It was the low bid.
7.4 District office flooring bid was approved 6-0 for Country Carpet for $13,999. It includes carpet and LVT for the upstairs of the district office.
7.5 Board approved 6-0 to approve the Superintendent to spend $19,999 or less for up to two used vehicles.
8 Personnel
The board went into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel.
The BOE reconvened to approve an additional year on Pat Foster’s two-year contract. The BOE also approved a two-year contract (2024-2026) for Felicia Yoakam and Taylor Holland.
The BOE voted on and approved the following staff changes.
We would like to welcome the following to the Bear Family:
Stephanie Aldridge, HS Asst. Girls Basketball Coach