The OHS Drama Department presented Stranded! by Megan Orr on Friday, November 12 and Saturday, November 13. The show was a huge success with over 200 tickets sold over the weekend and many laughs from the audience throughout the show. At the end of the Saturday night performance, seniors Rebekah Ballast, Cat Bowen, Nick Brown, Luke Davis, Josie Dwyer, Jasmine Johnson, and Jesse Thacher gave a heartfelt goodbye to the audience who has been supporting them over the years. In regards to the show, the director, Mrs. Samantha Davis, said, "I am beyond proud of all the hard work these students put into the show. They rehearsed for ten weeks leading up to these performances and exceeded my expectations. The drama department will greatly miss the seniors and all the hard work they have put into this program over the past 4 years. I also want to give a huge thank you to the community for coming to the show and supporting these young actors. The audience makes the entire process worthwhile. Without community support, our program wouldn't exist."
November 16, 2021