Monday April 26th the Art department took a group of students to the NEK league art show to compete in various competitions and have their work judged.
Below are the results
Gold Medals. - DeAndre Moore (2), Anthony Shehan (1), Hope Everett-Snyder (1), Petey Holman Hebert (1), Margot Dangermond (4), Elmas Bond (1), Trevor Willits (3), Josie Dwyer (2), Emory Williams (2), Damien Nunez (1)
Second Place Ribbons - Anthony Shehan (1), Josie Dwyer (3), Patty Kruger (1), Amber Flowers (2), Trevor Willits (1), Hope Everett Snyder (1), Damien Nunez (1), Madison Morris (1), Trace Kessinger (1), Jade Callen (1),
Honorable Mentions - Josie Dwyer(2), Elmas Bond, Emory Williams, Alexis Mesalle, Kailey Billett, Patty Kruger, Heather Janus, Naomi Nivert (2), Petey Homan Hebert, Leo Stiller, Machala Coons
Individual Competition winners -
Petey Holman Hebert - First in Steampunk animals
Josie Dwyer - 3rd in Plein Aire painting
Margot Dangermond - 2nd in. Plein Air painting
Damien Nunez - 1st in Wildlife drawing
Group Competition Winners -
Ceiling Tile Art work - 1st place
Sidewalk Chalk - 2nd place
Recycled Fasion - 3rd place