State Music
After a harrowing drive to Salina yesterday, the HS Music Department upheld the OHS tradition of excellence in Fine Arts today at State. 

Here are our results:
  • Percussion Ensemble - I (Cannon, Luke, Carter, Jakob, Paige, Michelle, Emaree, Petey, Trace, Naomi, Julian)
  • Vocal Solo - II (Joe)
  • Clarinet Solo - II (Joe)
  • Vocal Solo - I (Petey)
  • Vocal Trio - II (Cannon, Heather, Emaree)
  • Vocal Solo - I (Rebekah)
  • Treble Choir - I (Petey, Joe, Samantha, Margot, Michelle)
III is considered average, and at this level, just getting there to compete is an accomplishment. So these scores are truly icing on the cake!

During my interview last summer, I responded that one of my goals was to take a student to State within the first 5 years. It has truly been a thrill to take 16 in year one!! The motivation of these students was nothing short of inspiring - all the time spent memorizing languages, gaining agility in tough fingerings, coordinating precise interpretations of rhythm between 11 ensemble members without a conductor. To top it off with the mental stamina and resolve to bring their most focused efforts was so impressive. These bright students definitely have what it takes to succeed!

Plus now they a great story about sheltering in a beer cooler as well. Bonus!

It's great to be a Bear!
Ms. Waldron